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SIMH (KS2020 emulator) Setup

Part of the TYMCOM-X project.

Initial set up

Install simh-pdp10

Do the above for each system you test on (Linux, Cygwin, NetBSD, etc). I have renamed the simh pdp10 to pdp10.Linux and pdp10.NetBSD, and made pdp10 a one-line file:

exec $0.`uname -s` "$@"

so that I can keep identical directories on different systems.

Do the steps below only once.

Create three *.ini files

Create tops10.ini with:

; SIMH Configuration for TOPS-10
set dz 8
set tim y2k
att rp0 dskb.dsk
att rp1 dskc.dsk
att lp20 printer.out
att tu0 scratch.tape
att -am dz 2020
boot rp

Use “./pdp10 tops10.ini” to start TOPS-10.

Create tym-fresh.ini with:

; SIMH Configuration for TYMCOM-X with refresh
; Get SYS:MON14.EXE onto first disk
copy dskb.dsk tymb0.dsk
copy dskc.dsk tymb1.dsk
; Those two units need initializing, DEFINE and REFRESH
set dz 8b
set tim y2k
att rp0 tymb0.dsk
att rp1 tymb1.dsk
att lp20 printer.out
; Tape with image of TITO.SAV
att tu0 tito.tape
; Untested: "telnet localhost 2014" to get to host 14.
att -am dz 2014
boot rp

Create tymcom-prod.ini by copying tym-fresh.ini, and replace the top five lines with one line:

; SIMH Configuration for TYMCOM-X production

Running TOPS-10

TOPS-10 will automatically get the date and time from the emulator

Linux% ./pdp10 tops10.ini
PDP-10 simulator V4.0-0 Beta        git commit id: 7ed68aed
Listening on port 2020
Modem control activated
Auto disconnect activated
BOOT V3(47)

[Loading from DSKB:SYSTEM.EXE[1,4]]

VNW 10-14-99
Why reload: opr

Startup option: go
[Rebuilding the system search list from the HOMe blocks]
[Rebuilding the active swapping list from the HOMe blocks]
[Rebuilding the system dump list from the HOMe blocks]

VNW 23:51:57 CTY system 4097
Connected to Node (0) Line # 12
Welcome to TOPS-10 7.03
Steuben Technologies Distribution Revision 1.4
.LOGIN 1,2
[OPRPAF Processing auto command file]

Connect via “telnet localhost 2020”.

.login public
.make m33.sfd

The files dskb.dsk and dskc.dsk are very important. I back them up every four hours using rsnapshot.

Obtain the monitor sources and three executable binaries

These files exist as “TITO save sets” stored on 4mm DAT tapes copied from 6250 bpi backup tapes. Some of the files have been restored to a restricted LCM machine. One file was corrupted and had to be restored from a different tape.

Copy files to local Linux box

Use KERMIT on a Linux box to login via telnet to the original TOAD-1, it has files in TYMNOT:<169*>.

@COPY <169267.F0>MACRO.SHR  <JMS>
@COPY <169267.F0>TITO.SAV   <JMS>
@COPY <169267.F0>*.CMD      <JMS>
@COPY <169267.F0>*.MAC      <JMS>
C-Kermit> get *.*
C=Kermit> bye

Copy files to TOPS-10

This step is very slow. Average is around 40 cps (characters per second).

C-Kermit> telnet localhost 2020
.login pubic/path:[,,m33]
.r kermit
KERMIT10> server

Control-\ c to get back to originating kermit

C-Kermit> send *.*
C-Kermit> bye
C-Kermit> exit

[Sometimes this fails with error message “?KERMIT10> ”. That is, no details on the error.]

Creation of ''tito.tape''

[CCPWFD Waiting for file daemon to start]
%%TTY STOMPER - Starting
.r opr

Enter the mount command on the telnet session.

.login public/path:[,,m33]
.mount tape mta /reelid:scratch/label:none/write 
[Mount request TAPE queued, request #7]

Back at OPR>

19:58:16          -- Magtape mount request #7 --
              User: PUBLIC [42,42] Job #3
              Volume-set name: TAPE
              Volume-ID   Write   Labels  Track  Density
              ---------  -------  ------  -----  -------
              SCRATC     Enabled  No        9    1600
sim>att tu0 scratch.tape
20:01:50        Device MTA000  -- Unlabeled volume mounted --
              Density 1600 BPI, write-Enabled
OPR>identIFY (device) mta0: (with) reqUEST-ID 7

Back at telnet job:

[Magtape SCRATC mounted on MTA000 with logical name MTA]
.get tito.sav
Job setup
.save mta:tito.sav
TITO saved
.unload mta
.deassign mta

Outside the emulator, rename “scratch.tape” to “tito.tape”

Linux% mv scratch.tape tito.tape
Linux% ls -l tito.tape
-rw-r--r-- 1 jms HomeUsers 42524 Nov 11 20:08 tito.tape

End of setup

Continue with the Status page.

tymcom-x-simh.1510632006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/14 04:00 by jms