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TOPS-10 Survival Guide


TOPS-10 was an operating system for Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP-10 family of mainframe computers (including the DECsystem-10 and DECSYSTEM-20 product lines). TOPS-10 was first released in 1970 and the last release was in 1988.

LCM+L currently has two TOPS-10 systems available on-line:

Host Model/Processor Operating system
dec-10 DECSYSTEM-2065 / KL10 TOPS-10 version 7.04
ki587 DECsystem-1090 / KI10 TOPS-10 version 6.3

Command format: TOPS-10 commands are one to six characters long. At the command prompt ., type the command string or a unique prefix followed by command arguments if any, then press the Enter key to execute the command. In version 7.04 commands are case-insensitive; in version 6.3 all entered command text is automatically converted to upper case.

File name format: TOPS-10 files are identified with a file name from one to six characters long followed by a period (.) and a zero to three character file extension. Many commands allow wildcard characters * (matches any zero or more characters) and ? (matches zero or any one character) in file name arguments to operate multiple files.

Files with standard extensions are given special treatment by some commands.

Ext. File contents Ext. File contents
ALG ALGOL language source EXE Executable binary program
BAS BASIC language source FOR FORTRAN language source
BLI BLISS language source MAC MACRO assembly language source
CBL COBOL language source REL Relocatable binary program

[System description, unique features, command input, hotkeys, etc.]

1. Apply a user account
2. Connect to the system

Command Summary

Command Syntax
3. LOGIN - Log-in to your account LOGIN <PPN>
4. PASSWOrd - Change your password PASSWO
Not available in version 6.3.
5. KJOB - Log-out from your account KJOB
In version 6.3, KJOB prompts for how to handle user files. Enter F to save all your files.
6. MAKE - Create a new file MAKE <file name>
Create <file name> with TECO editor. See Survival TECO.
7. TECO - Edit an old file TECO <file>
Edit <file> with TECO editor. See Survival TECO.
8. DIRECT - List your files
9. TYPE - Show file contents
10. COPY - Copy files

Syntax: COPY <new file>=<old file>

11. RENAME - Rename files
12. DELETE - Delete files
13. EXECUT - Compile and run your program
14. BASIC - Run BASIC interpreter
15. MAIL - Send a message to another user
16. Other commands
17. Learn more
tops-10_survival_guide.1510892661.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/17 04:24 by papa