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Using the GT40 with ITS.

The AI lab had a GT40 attached to terminal line T34. The GT40 is a PDP-11/05 with a VT11 vector display controller, a CRT display, a keyboard, and a light pen. SIMH can emulate a GT40 and attach to a PDP-10 emulator terminal line.

When booted, the GT40 will run from the VT11 ROM. The ROM has very minimal terminal functions: it will display characters received from the PDP-10, and send keyboard key presses to the PDP-10. There are also reset and software download functions. The ROM software by itself does not provide a usable terminal.

To use the GT40 with ITS, log in with ^Z and start GTLOAD.

its_using_gt40.1584384610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/16 18:50 by lars