**Starting and stopping ITS** Except on KL10, starting ITS goes like this: - Start DSKDMP. * On a KA10 this is most often done from paper tape, but magnetic tape is also possible. * On a KS10, use the ''BT'' console command to boot into DSKDMP. - DSKDMP will announce itself eponymously. - Select an ITS core image. Conventionally it should be @ ITS. Type //F Altmode// to see a file listing. - To load and run ITS, type the file name and enter. If the first file name is @ that can be omitted. - First DDT is entered. Here's a chance to debug ITS, set breakpoints, etc. - To start ITS running, type //Altmode G//. - The Salvager will check the disks and then ITS IN OPERATION is printed. On the KL10, there is no DSKDMP. DDT is used to load a core image and start. Stopping ITS goes like this: - Log in and run LOCK. - Type //5DOWN// to have ITS shut down in 5 minutes. This is the minimum. - Type //Y// to confirm. - Type a message terminated by a //^C//. - Type //Q// to exit LOCK. - When all users are logged out, ITS will shut down immediately regardless of the grace period. - When "YOU ARE NOW IN DDT" is printed, it's safe to power off. - Optionally you can restart ITS from DDT, or go back to DSKDMP by jumping to address 777700. A transcript of starting ITS, logging in, and stopping. It has been edited for brevity. '' DSKDMP''\\ //its//\\ //$G//\\ ''SALVAGER.317''\\ ''ITS 1649 IN OPERATION''\\ ''ITS 1649 SYSTEM JOB USING THIS CONSOLE.''\\ //^Z//\\ ''ITS.1649. DDT.1547.''\\ ''TTY 0''\\ ''You're all alone, Fair share = 99%''\\ //:lock//\\ '' LOCK.156''\\ ''_''//5down//\\ ''DO YOU REALLY WANT THE SYSTEM TO GO DOWN?''\\ //Y//\\ ''PLEASE ENTER A BRIEF MESSAGE TO USERS, ENDED BY ^C''\\ //Bye.//\\ //^C//\\ ''ITS 1649 NOT IN OPERATION''\\ ''SHUTDOWN COMPLETE''\\ ''PI LEVEL 7 BUGDDT. TYPE P TO CONTINUE.''\\ ''YOU ARE NOW IN DDT.''